Start dates are April 18-21, 2014 covering a minimum of 360k for the Fleche
Each team must be finishing in 24 hours for the Fleche, after their assigned start time, following the Rules for the particular event.
Each team may start its ride between noon Thursday and 10:00 AM on Saturday.
The Fleche minimum distance required for the 24-hour period is 360 KM.
No rest stop may exceed two hours in any one location.
Teams may not travel the same direction on any road twice.
Pre-registration of Teams
For any Carolina Flèche event, it is suggested that no 2 teams start from exactly the same starting location/address, but if you must use the same starting address, then team start times of one hour apart will be assigned to the teams.
You may start within the range of the RUSA allowed start times/date.
Please consider planning your start times for Friday morning, which will allow all teams to finish closer to the same time for an after Fleche gathering of all riders.
Remember that teams may start at the finish location and do a loop or an out and back route!
2014 Finish location will be announced soon.
Pre-registration of Teams for the Carolina Flèche-USA is required.
Riders must enter in teams with a designated captain – no individual entries for the flèche will be accepted. All team entries must be received by April 8, 2014, including the team’s proposed route. All routes must be approved and confirmed with team captains by April 12, 2014.
Any requests for last minute changes to the team or route will be approved at the discretion of the organizer. All communication will be with the team captain only.
Pre-register individual Team Members using the online form.
All team members must send via postal mail a signed release and all individual event cost/donations.
The Team captain may submit all cost/donations. Please download, print, fill out and mail the forms provided.
Entry must consist of a single Registration form for the team, plus a Release form for each individual member of the team and payment of cost/donations. The downloadable documents will be in PDF format.
More info on RUSA's website about the rules and teams
Fleche Rider Individual Pre-Registration